About Us

We know that experiencing techniques in a practical way is the only way to create lasting behavioural change. Annie Fine was a secondary school teacher for many years. Based on the principles and expertise of teaching drama in secondary education, Annie witnessed the power of drama in developing confidence and inspiration for teenagers. We have used these principles and have applied them to communication skills for adults, in a commercial environment. The techniques we use really enhance communication skills for better productivity at work.
At AF Communications, we have a distinctive and fresh approach and use techniques that we have researched, developed and then shared with success. We encourage all our clients to practise our techniques after each training session so that they become authentic for each individual. Our aim is to provide interpersonal skills for people at work in a variety of business environments.
During our sessions we see individuals really progress throughout - gaining insights and self-awareness that can instantly transform their communication. We run interactive group exercises which enables each person to feel empowered in their daily working life. The work is all experiential – it gives candidates a chance to see what a technique sounds and feels like, before taking it back into the workplace.
Our Techniques

Create positive outcomes for the business

Coach candidates to deliver a verbal message in order to create an authentic connection

Enable people to communicate better in meetings

Equip people to win business by developing good negotiation skills

Give people tools and techniques to de-escalate difficult conversations

Manage teams with confidence create positive relationships all round.

Equip people to handle objection

Become more engaging in the way they communicate their ideas